General Meeting 31 May, 2013

Reditus – Sociedade Gestora de Participações Sociais, S.A. 
Public limited liability company open to public investment
Head Office: Rua Pedro Nunes, no. 11, in Lisbon
Share Capital of 73,193,455.00 euros
Registered at Lisbon Commercial Register under the same registration and legal person number 500 400 997

Notice of Meeting

The Shareholders of Reditus – Sociedade Gestora de Participações Sociais, S.A., public limited liability company open to public investment, with head office at Rua Pedro Nunes, no. 11, in Lisbon, registered at Lisbon Commercial Register, under the same registration and legal person number 500 400 997 ("Company"), are called to participate in the Annual General Meeting to be held on 31 May 2013, at 11h00, at the corporate premises situated at Edifício Reditus, Estrada do Seminário, no. 2, in Alfragide, and not at the corporate head office due to lack space, with the following:


  • 1.º
    Deliberation on the documents presenting the accounts, on a consolidated and individual basis, including the Management Report and accounts relative to the year ended on 31 December 2012;
  • 2.º 
    Analysis and discussion of the Corporate Governance Report;
  • 3.º 
    Deliberation on the proposal for the appropriation of net income;
  • 4.º
    General assessment of the Company's management and supervision;
  • 5.º
    Deliberation on the ratification of the co-optation of Dr. Helder Filipe Ribeiro Matos Pereira as Director;
  • 6.º
    Deliberation on the expansion of the Board of Directors from ten to eleven members until the end of the current term of office (2010/2013).
  • 7.º
    Deliberation, in the case of approval of the expansion of the Board of Directors proposed under the preceding point, on the election of a new member of the Board of Directors to perform duties until the end of the current term of office (2010/2013).
  • 8.º
    Assessment of the statement of the Remuneration Committee on the policy of remuneration of the members of the management and supervisory bodies of the Company;
  • 9.º
    Deliberation on the acquisition and disposal of own shares;
  • 10.º
    Deliberation on the acquisition and disposal of own bonds.


Lisbon, 7 May 2013.
The Chairman of the Board of the General Meeting
Dr. Diogo Campos Barradas Lacerda Machado


Download documentation

Notice of Meeting; Proposals; Resolutions of the General Meeting.